When Mother Gets Angry



When Mother gets angry, the children are not safe,

clinging to walls that collapse around them, crushing

childhood beneath her wrath.  She roars at us, and throws

our things about, for they mean nothing to Mother

when she is mad.  She’ll unleash torrents, and we will try

to hide, but Mother knows all the hiding places.

She will knock them down or flood them with her rage, until

we are gasping for air, begging Mother to forgive us.

And when she calms again, Mother is nearly silent.

She never apologizes, only watches us through cloudy eyes

as we try to pick up broken pieces of Mother’s fury.

We hold the children and shake, and try to explain, but

we can’t.  Haunted by the cruelty Mother has unleashed

on some, we whisper and hope, and glance up warily.

Do not make Mother angry.



27 thoughts on “When Mother Gets Angry

  1. I have felt the wrath of Mother under the guise of Hurricane Irene. Mother took my home away but she took much more than that; the reverberating effects put my own Mother through so much stress that less than 6 months after finally getting our home rebuilt, the real anguish began and my Mom passed away. There is nothing that will convince me that Mother Nature did not cause the downward spiral of the Strongest Woman I ever knew.
    My heart goes out to everyone affected by the tornadoes in Oklahoma. Having to live through something similar, I know the road ahead of every single person affected will be a long hard uphill battle. Sending strength and love their way ❤

  2. I have nominated you for the ‘Very Inspiring Blogger’ award. I took a long time to pick my nominations as I wanted to make sure the bloggers I chose really had something about them that inspired me. Go to this link and check it out and if you want to accept the award – just pick your own 15 nominations and let them know you have nominated them, write 7 things about yourself and don’t forget to put your awesome award somewhere on your blog. You are ‘VERY INSPIRING’ – so keep up your awesomeness! http://lauracrean.wordpress.com/2013/05/19/very-inspiring-blog-award/

    • I do very much appreciate your nomination. Thank you. I have been nominated for this award before, so I will let other nominees enjoy it. Your recognition means a lot to me. Thanks!

  3. mother nature is unrelenting sometimes. and she is fierce. this is a beautiful post – with a very unfortunate subject – especially at this particular time.

  4. I’m thinking Momma is fighting back, and not appreciating what we’re doing to her! She’s creating enormous storms all year long…yet fools still say ‘global warming doesn’t exist’! ALL of these superstorms will tragically remove much of the bacteria spreading over her skin! I say, we deserve it! People just don’t get it…we are billions strong, billions raping every inch of her life giving self daily! But tragedy is also the only way stubborn humans seem to learn, so Momma is teaching now! I can’t wait until recess!

  5. How foolish man has been…assuming it has some control over mother nature….we continue to pay the price for our arrogance…a thought provoking verse..

  6. Pingback: A Broken Wall | The Velvet Closet of a Lesbian

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